Scott Miller
Mr. Miller |
Subjects 8th grade Into to Government 1st/6th Hour Audio/Video Production 5th Hour
High School American History:
The high school course of study begins with a review of the major ideas, issues, and events of the late 19th century including imperialism, industrialization and immigration. Students will then concentrate on the critical events, people, groups, ideas, and issues of the period from 1900 to the present- including Progressivism, World War I, The 20s, Depression and the New Deal, World War II and its aftermath, Civil Rights, Vietnam and the Modern World including Presidencies from Nixon to Obama and the United States response to Globalization and International Crises.
The Eighth Grade Intro to Government
course of study begins with a review of the major ideas, issues, and events of the
founding of the nation and Constitutional Period. Students will then concentrate on the critical events,people, groups, ideas, and issues of the period from 1800 to 1
900-including Westward expansion,sectionalism, the Civil War, Reconstruction, Populism, and Imperialism.
Education Emporia State University |
Biographical Information I was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ. Came to Kansas to attend Emporia State, and that is where I met my wife. We now have 2 daughters, and 3 dogs. |
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