What is Schoolwide Title?
What is Schoolwide Title? Marshall Elementary operates under a Schoolwide Title I Plan. Within this plan, Title I is not . . . read more
2nd Grade We Both Read Program
We are excited to introduce our new Family Engagement reading program!! The We Both Read books are highly effective because they engage both children and parents in reading, and make it easy for them to be . . . read more
Title News
Title I News Fall benchmark testing took place the first two weeks of school. From these scores, the faculty is able to see the results and are able to make small groups for . . . read more
Title I Information
Marshall Elementary School is a school-wide Title I serviced school. According to the KSDE, Title l provides funding to schools with high numbers of students that qualify for free and/or reduced-priced lunches to help . . . read more
Family Mission Statements
We know that an effective mission statement can powerfully direct our intentions and actions. We know this personally, in our classrooms, and in our school. Can we help your family use this same power? read more