100 Days Of Fun In Kinder!
100 Days of Fun! Last week we celebrated the 100th day of school in Kindergarten. We had the most fun as this has been a day we have been counting up to the entire year. We did 100th day centers which consisted of building with 100 legos, . . . read more
Kindergarten News
Kindergarten ended 2024 with lots of learning and even more fun! Grinch Days were a huge success! We all had an amazing time!! Thank you to everyone that donated items and supplies! We appreciate it so very much! Another thank you to . . . read more
Apple Week Fun!
Last week Kindergarteners had lots of fun celebrating Johnny Appleseeds birthday! We did a lot of apple exploration. In science we hypothsized whether or not we thought different parts of an apple would sink or float like the stem, a . . . read more
Kindergarten is off and running!
Kindergarten is off and running! We have had a great start to the school year and are so happy to share our days with your amazing kiddos! Soon you will start to notice the little hand gestures for the . . . read more