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Imagine Edgenuity

January 08, 2025


    Imagine Edgenuity is a standard-based online learning resource for school districts produced by Imagine Learning, which teaches kindergarten through 12th grade in core, elective, credit recovery, technical, and career subjects, through both remedial and accelerated work. As of 2019, Imagine Edgenuity serves more than four million students in the United States.

    Imagine Edgenuity is a virtual alternative which uses pre-recorded videos and primarily focuses on struggling students, and sticking at pace. Along with pre-recorded lectures, Imagine Edgenuity uses interactives and real-world problems. In addition to helping students who need extra support, the software is often used by schools to help students who have failed courses get the credits they are missing.

    Imagine Edgenuity’s award-winning courses combine rigorous content with direct-instruction videos from expert, on-screen teachers with interactive learning tools and resources to engage and motivate students. Their online courses for core curriculum, AP, elective, Career and Technical Education, dual credit, and credit recovery are based on the rigor and high expectations of state, Common Core, and Next Generation Science Standards.

    Imagine Edgenuity gives schools the flexibility to offer the right courses for your students’ needs. Their online courses are available for credit and concept recovery, initial credit, and as honors courses for students who want to further challenge themselves. Designed to inspire lifelong learning, Imagine Edgenuity’s courses can be used in any blended or online learning model.


Beth Asher


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