Health Room/Future Smiles
February 24, 2025
We have been seeing some illness this semester. We have had reports of Influenza A and mycoplasma pneumonia (walking pneumonia). We have had a few cases of Strep throat and the stomach bug. We do ask, if your children experience a fever (>100.0) or vomiting, that they be kept home for 24 hours after vomiting has ceased or fever has resolved without the use of tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin (Advil/ibuprofen). We encourage good hygiene practices such as covering mouth/nose when coughing or sneezing, washing hands after cough/sneezing/rubbing face/nose/mouth or prior to eating. Good hand washing can help prevent the spread of illness.
Upcoming events in the health office:
Thursday, March 6th, The Future Smiles: School Based Dental Care will be at Marshall Elementary. This is provided by Care Arc out of Emporia, Kansas. A registered dental hygienist will provide an oral evaluation, dental cleaning, fluoride treatments and/or sealants. This will be done during school hours. This is an OPT IN program. IF you would like your child to participate, please fill out and return the forms that went home with students February 17th. This is a great option for students who have no dental provider or have a difficult time traveling out of town for dental care. If you need a form there are extras in the Marshall office for pick up.
We are working on the completion of hearing and vision screenings, currently working on kindergarten students and 5th grade students. Letters will go home upon completion of grade level screening.
May 12th we will be having our annual sports physicals. More information will be provided to parents closer to the date.