ECH and Pre-K News
February 11, 2025
Pre-K and ECH classes have had a busy new year so far! We have learned all about letters A - P, different numbers, colors, 2D and 3D shapes, and SO much more! Students have made fantastic progress at writing their first names as well! This week we will celebrate the letter "P" by having a "Pancakes and Pajamas" day!
We enjoyed our class Christmas parties, and celebrated our 100th Day of School on February 6th. We are looking forward to our upcoming Valentine's Day party! Thank you to all the parents who have donated their time and supplies for our fun classroom events! We appreciate you!
We have had a couple more school to home projects that turned out amazing! In January, students disguised a snowman with their family, and in February students created a 100th day poster and their Valentine's Day boxes. We have enjoyed displaying them in the hallways and in our classroom.
February 14th: Valentine's Day Class Parties - Morning class @ 10:40 and Afternoon class @ 2:40
February 21st: No School
March 7th: End of 3rd 9 weeks
March 17th - 21st: Spring Break
March 25th & 26th: PT Conferences
March 28th: No School