Introducing Marshall Clubs-Starbooks Library Café
January 30, 2024
New to Marshall Elementary School this year are clubs and families. Students in PreK-2nd belong to a family and 3rd-6th graders are in a club related to their interests. Last November our 3rd -6th grade students were given the opportunity to apply and write their reasoning for wanting to join the club of their choice after listening to a description of each club offered this year. Students have been very excited to meet with their club members. One of the clubs to choose from is Starbooks Library Café. So far we have met three times and the students have enjoyed different activities at each meeting. At the first meeting in December, the students listened to the book The Christmas Cobwebs and then made a Christmas ornament with liquid glue that looked similar to the spider web Christmas ornaments in the book. For the second meeting, the students listened to a biography about Snowflake Bentley, learned about different snowflake shapes, identified snowflakes, and tried to represent the different shapes with toothpicks and marshmallows. Most recently, the students played charades with fairy tale characters and posed for a club picture. Everyone is looking forward to future club activities.