Spring Music Productions
March 03, 2025
Marshall Elementary 3rd-6th Graders have been busy singing and dancing in preparation for their upcoming musicals. We would love for you to join us for some fun filled adventures!
3rd and 4th Grade
There's going to be a picnic and everyone is pitchin' in...the Lady Bugs are in charge of proper etiquette, the Army Ants will handle security, the Fireflies are in charge of lighting, and entertainment will be provided by the Bumble Bees. Looks like everything is set! But what's this!?! The Stink Bug wants to come too! Buzz on over to the country-style hoedown and help the critters rescue the party.
This performance has been postponed to Wednesday, April 16, 2025 at 6p in the HS Auditorium.
5th and 6th Grade
There's a stowaway on board! Perhaps the King of the High “Cs” will know what to do. Join this salty crew of colorful scallywags when Bluebeard, Yellowbeard, Whitebeard, Purplebeard - well, you get the picture - along with the No Beards hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for a mighty adventure.
This production will be Wednesday, April 23, 2025 directly following the band performances in the HS Auditorium.