January 1st Grade News
January 21, 2025
January 2025 where has time gone????
Reading: These students have been diligently working on their reading skills. They are reading books at their AR level and taking comprehensive tests over the content they have read. They are continuing to build their fluency skills while reading. We are seeing progress in their reading and loving it!!!! :)
In Math: All students have been measuring items with standard and non-standard measurements. It is fun to go around the classroom and measure items they are curious about.
In December First grade won second place for the most Pop Tabs so we got to have floats and candy for that reward. We have had a busy month back to class but we are gearing up for the 101st Day of School and Valentines Day now.
Stay safe and keep warm
Your First grade team
Lindsay Stapleford
Katie Ring
Vicki Herb