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HS Girls BB vs. Pittsburg Colgan @ Yates Center Sat.

Student Lighthouse Team

The 2024-2025 Student Lighthouse Team at Marshall Elementary has great ideas to improve our school.  A "Student Lighthouse Team" is a group of students grades 4-6 selected for their leadership qualities.These individuals actively promote a positive school culture by embodying the "Leader in Me" principles. Often the initiatives include community service, school spirit building,and modeling . . .

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Muffins in March

On March 4 th , 1 st graders and a couple of their family members got to enjoy our Muffins in March event. During this time, first graders showed their leadership skills by serving drinks and muffins to the adults that came. Everyone enjoyed muffins while getting to visiting with each other. Next, students shared their reading skills by reading a book of their choice to their special visitors. Finally, students challenged their . . .

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Live Stream Girls Sub-State Basketball

Live Stream Wednesday for Eureka Girls BB Sub-State Game vs. SE Cherokee. Viewing requires a subscription to NFHS.  Live Stream Link    

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Spring Music Productions

Marshall Elementary 3rd-6th Graders have been busy singing and dancing in preparation for their upcoming musicals. We would love for you to join us for some fun filled adventures!     3rd and 4th Grade There's going to be a picnic and everyone is pitchin' in...the Lady Bugs are in charge of proper etiquette, the Army Ants will handle security, the Fireflies are in charge of lighting, . . .

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FACS and Business Management Students Thrive in 2025!!

The Business Essentials/Business Management Classes have been busy since our last update in the fall.  They have spent many hours researching the different types of businesses, ethics, entrepreneurs, marketing, and so much more!  We even took time to explore the invention of Heinz 57 Ketchup (ask your student what “Catsup” was and why it was used!), Hershey Chocolates, Mars Chocolates, Kellogg’s, Post, . . .

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Health Room/Future Smiles

We have been seeing some illness this semester.  We have had reports of Influenza A and mycoplasma pneumonia (walking pneumonia).  We have had a few cases of Strep throat and the stomach bug.  We do ask, if your children experience a fever (>100.0) or vomiting, that they be kept home for 24 hours after vomiting has ceased or fever has resolved without the use of tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin . . .

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